Chatswood House Removals: The Top 5 Trickiest Items to Move

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Chatswood House Removals: The Top 5 Trickiest Items to Move

Have you ever wondered, “What are the most challenging items to relocate during a Chatswood home move?” Here, we’ve navigated countless relocations, and we’re here to share our insights. House removals in Chatswood can be an adventure. But it comes with its fair share of challenges, particularly for certain belongings.

Consider reading this blog to delve into the top five most difficult items to move and get expert tips on managing them smoothly. Whether planning a move or simply curious, let’s explore the world of challenging relocations together.

The most common and complicated items to move include:

1. Grand Pianos:

Grand pianos are heavy and delicate instruments that require special care during relocation. Because of their size and weight, they are hard to maneuver through narrow doorways and tight corners. To move a grand piano safely, consider hiring our professional piano movers with the expertise and equipment to handle this delicate task. They’ll ensure your precious instrument arrives at your new home in perfect condition.

2. Antique Furniture:

Antique furniture pieces are often valuable, both sentimentally and monetarily. Their fragile nature, intricate details, and age make them susceptible to damage during a move. To protect your antique furniture, wrap it in blankets and use extra padding where needed. Consider disassembling larger pieces to make them easier to transport and reduce the risk of damage.

3. Oversized Appliances:

Large appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens can be a logistical challenge during a move. Their size and weight require careful planning and necessitate special equipment like appliance dollies and straps. Make sure to disconnect and prepare these appliances properly before the move, and consider professional help to ensure they get safely transported.

4. Valuable Artwork:

During a move, valuable and fragile artwork needs special attention. Use custom-built crates or specialised packaging materials designed for art transport to protect your art. Consider temperature and humidity control, especially for sensitive pieces. Hiring art transport specialists may be the best way to safeguard your valuable art collection.

5. Large Safes:

Large safes, particularly those used for securing important documents or valuable items, can be exceptionally heavy and challenging to move. The key to moving a large safe is proper planning and equipment. Expert safe movers have the experience and tools needed to relocate safes safely. Attempting to tackle a heavy safe without the right equipment can lead to injuries and damage.


So, contact our team of professional movers in Chatswood for the safest house removal. If you need more information, contact us or read our other blogs!

Easy Tips for Packing Small Appliances During House Removals

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  • Easy Tips for Packing Small Appliances During House Removals

Easy Tips for Packing Small Appliances During House Removals

Unlock the secrets to packing small appliances like a pro with expert tips from your favourite North Shore removalist. Moving to a new home is an adventure, but packing your valuable tools can be daunting. Don’t fret! We’re here to guide you through the process and ensure your appliances arrive at your new abode in pristine condition.


Here, we have explored the top six tips to use during house removals in North Shore for efficiently packing small appliances. So, get ready to pack like a pro and embark on a stress-free journey to your new home.

removals truck being packed


Let’s dive into these essential tips and make your moving experience a breeze!


1. Gather the Necessary Packing Supplies

Before you start packing your small appliances, ensure you have all the necessary packing supplies on hand. It includes sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, tape, and markers. Having accurate materials will help protect your appliances during transit.


2. Clean and Prepare Appliances

Thoroughly clean and dry each appliance before packing. Remove any detachable parts and clean them separately. This step is essential to prevent dirt, moisture, or food residue from causing damage during transportation.


3. Secure Loose Parts

Small appliances often have detachable parts, such as cords, trays, or attachments. To avoid misplacing or damaging these parts, secure them properly. Use tape or small resealable bags to keep everything organised and ensure no components get lost during the move.


4. Wrap Appliances Carefully

Protect your appliances by wrapping them in layers of bubble wrap or packing paper. Start with a layer of bubble wrap or paper, paying extra attention to fragile areas. Secure it with tape and add another layer for added protection. It will help cushion the appliances and prevent scratches or dents.


5. Utilise Original Packaging

If you have kept the original packaging for your appliances, use it whenever possible. Original boxes and packaging materials get designed to provide the best protection during transit. They often have moulded foam inserts that fit the appliance perfectly, minimising the risk of damage.


6. Label and Organise Boxes

As you pack your small appliances, label each box clearly with its contents. Use a marker to indicate the appliances’ names and specific instructions for handling or unpacking. It will help you and your movers identify the boxes and carefully tackle them when unpacking.

North Shore Removalist

But remember, this process is not a cup of coffee that anyone can perform with a few materials. It is why, as professional removalists, we always suggest our customers call us for the best support!

In a Nutshell

Hopefully, this blog was enough to understand what to do while packing your small appliances during house removals. But if you need more details on the process, contact us or read our other blogs!